How to add products to your store
In FreshStore, there are currently two ways to add products to your store:
- Offer Importer - Using this method, you can create a new product using an offer from a merchant (Amazon, eBay, etc.).
- Create Product Manually - You can create a product manually and enter the content yourself, using AI to help you 🤖
Our Tips for Adding Products
When adding products to your store, we strongly recommend quality over quantity. This is crucial to your success.
Adding too many products will damage your SEO potential and make managing your store harder in the long run.
When starting a new store, add around ten products per category and around 100 products in total to start. This will ensure you add only the best products and will stop your store from becoming unmanageable.
For more details on this success strategy, please see this full guide and video:
Adding Products via Offer Importer
- From your Store's dashboard, go to AI Tools >> Offer Importer

- Type in the keywords for the products you want to search, choose which category to add it to, and then choose the offer source. You can choose between AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart.
You can also enter a product ID in the "Search Keywords" box to find a specific product. For example, you could enter an Amazon ASIN number.

- More options will show once you've filled out the details from the previous step.

- Once you hit search, a list of the products will populate. You can check each by clicking the product itself. It will bring you the source website.

- If a product that you've checked looks okay, you can either click on Create to add it as a new product in your store or click on Attach to add it to an existing product.
- You can also tick the checkbox on the left side to add them in bulk.
- Or click the Create All button to add all the products shown.

NOTE: Your store will add the products in the background. This usually takes a couple of minutes but can occasionally take a bit longer.
Adding a New Product Manually
- From your store's dashboard, go to Your Store >> Products >> + New product

- On the next page, add the details of the new product, including the images. Then click on Create.

NOTE: When you add a product manually, it will have no offers, but the product page on your store will have a button to buy from Amazon or eBay, which will go to a search term.